Blackburn Leads Legislation To Weaken Iran-China Ties, Condition Any Nuclear Deal

December 5, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) today led seven of her Republican colleagues in introducing the Iran China Accountability Act to weaken Iran’s ties with Communist China. The legislation prohibits the consideration and use of any U.S. taxpayer dollars to advance a nuclear agreement with Iran until they terminate their ties with the CCP and terrorist groups like Hamas.

“Iran would love nothing more than to enter into another nuclear deal that props up their terrorist activity and also benefits their fellow New Axis of Evil partner - Communist China,” said Senator Blackburn. “As Iran and the CCP commit egregious human rights abuses against their own citizens and Iran-backed Hamas enacts horrific violence against Israel, it has become increasingly critical that the Biden administration holds the Iranian regime fully accountable. There must be no nuclear deal until we can ensure our national security interests are protected.”

“We need to be strong and stand up to both Iran and China. Our legislation will ensure that we hold these two adversaries accountable for their destabilizing activities, support for terrorism and human rights abuses,” said Senator Hoeven. “Given its attacks against our military and our allies like Israel, its support for Hamas and other terrorist organizations, and its cooperation with China, Iran must never be allowed to have nuclear weapons. This legislation would prevent taxpayer dollars from being used to advance a nuclear agreement with Iran and require that any agreement be ratified by two-thirds of the Senate.”

 “We know the pursuit of the Iranian nuclear deal has done nothing to deter Iran’s nuclear proliferation, it has only emboldened and enriched them. We also know our adversaries love working together and it’s time we recognize it,” said Senator Cramer.

“This legislation recognizes that the international threat posed by the Islamic Republic of Iran is greater than its nuclear program. Any agreement negotiated with Iran must take into account the regime’s support for terrorist groups, like Hamas, that commit barbaric acts against innocent Israeli civilians as well as its support for our primary geopolitical rival, the Chinese Communist Party. It is essential that the U.S. does everything in its power to hold these perpetrators accountable,” said Senator Rubio.

“Iran and Communist China, two of our greatest adversaries, have only been emboldened by President Biden’s appeasement and eagerness to re-enter a failed and dangerous nuclear deal,” said Senator Hyde-Smith.  “This legislation would prevent the Biden administration from recklessly entering a nuclear agreement by ensuring much-needed Congressional oversight.”

“China and Iran have formed an alliance, along with Russia, with the goal of undermining the United States, waging war against our allies, and committing mass human rights atrocities including the ongoing genocide of Uyghurs in Xinjiang. Iran’s aggression and terrorism are funded through cooperation by China, which receives enormous benefit by violating American sanctions on the Ayatollah. The Biden administration stopped enforcing those sanctions, and is still looking to enter into another catastrophic deal and dismantle pressure. I am proud to work with my colleagues on blocking that reckless policy,” said Senator Cruz.

“Iran and China are both guilty of egregious human rights violations, and it is more important than ever that the United States strongly opposes any partnership between China and Iran,” said Senator Tillis. “Iran’s continued financial support of terrorism led to the murder of thousands of innocent Israelis just a few short weeks ago, and China continues to imprison and murder Uyghurs in their own country. The United States cannot allow these authoritarian regimes to enter into any kind of future partnership.” 

“Iran cannot be trusted. Iran has made the choice to back terrorist organizations like Hamas, who are attacking our ally Israel, beheading babies and holding hundreds hostage. Iran has made the choice to cozy up to one of our nation’s biggest adversaries, Communist China, as it seeks global domination and an end to our way of life. Nothing Iran does is good for America. Our bill makes it clear that until Iran cuts ties with Communist China, condemns human rights abuses and stops funding terrorism against Israel, the U.S. will not spend a single cent to move forward on any nuclear agreement,” said Senator Rick Scott.


  • U.S. Senators John Hoeven (R-N.D.), Kevin Cramer (R-N.D.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-Miss.), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Thom Tillis (R-N.C.), and Rick Scott (R-Fla.) are co-sponsors.


The Iran China Accountability Act:

  • Requires any nuclear agreement to be ratified by a two-thirds vote of the U.S. Senate
  • Prohibits obligation or expenditure of any funds for a nuclear agreement until:
    • Iran terminates all agreements involving the transfer of funds from China and terminates strategic security and military partnerships with China
    • Iran terminates all ties and transfers of cash to Iranian proxy forces, including Hamas
    • Iran verifies the destruction of all chemical weapons, materials, and infrastructure
    • The CCP ceases the incarceration of Uyghurs
  • Requires a report from the Secretary of State to Congress detailing how any future agreement with Iran meets each requirement listed above
  • Condemns Hamas-incited terrorist attacks on Israel

Click here for bill text.