Blackburn Statement on Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Nomination to the Supreme Court

September 26, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. – This evening, Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) made the following statement about President Trump’s decision to nominate the Honorable Amy Coney Barrett to the United States Supreme Court.

“Amy Coney Barrett is a respected constitutionalist and an excellent nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court. Much like her mentor, the late Justice Antonin Scalia, she will be a textualist and originalist devoted to upholding the rule of law. She is a jurist we can trust to safeguard our religious liberties at a time when these freedoms are increasingly under attack.

“Americans saw firsthand Judge Barrett’s commitment to her values and principles during her confirmation hearing for the U.S Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit in 2017. Since taking the bench, she has authored nearly 100 opinions. 

“Beyond her experience on the bench, Judge Barrett is a mother of seven with an impressive legal career. After graduating from Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee, she received her law degree from Notre Dame Law School, where she is now a professor. 

“I look forward to hearing her testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee in the coming weeks.”