Blackburn on Fox News: The Senate is Going to Do Its Job

September 21, 2020

NASHVILLE, TENN. – Tonight, Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) joined Fox News’s The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton to discuss the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg and next steps for filling the vacancy. 

On the Senator’s Role as a Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee

“The Senate is going to do its job…. Those of us at the Judiciary Committee will do our due diligence. We will prepare properly for the hearing. I look forward to voting for a constitutionalist to go onto the Supreme Court.”

On Democrats’ Calls to Delay

“The [Democratic Party] fighting this… wants to delay. They’re having a good old fashioned come apart, if you will. Steve, they are the ones that want to pack the Supreme Court. They want to fundamentally change it.” 

On Potential Nominees

“Amy Coney Barrett is a tremendous story, she has been on the circuit, as has Barbara Lagoa. Barbara Lagoa is a Cuban American; she would be the first Cuban American to serve on the Supreme Court. You also have other women who have served well at the circuit level who could elevate.”

To watch the full segment, click below or here.