Blackburn Supports Governor’s Disaster Declaration for Christmas Day Bombing

December 26, 2020

NASHVILLE, TENN. – Today, U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) urged support of Governor Bill Lee’s request for a major disaster declaration as a result of the intentional explosion in Nashville.

 “Tennesseans are so grateful for the tremendous law enforcement resources dedicated to solving this horrendous and cowardly attack. This has been a trying year for Nashville, but we are strong and we will recover,” said Senator Blackburn. “I am urging President Trump to declare a major disaster declaration to provide all necessary federal resources to help Nashville’s recovery and support the small business owners that have already been hurting from the pandemic.”  

Senator Lamar Alexander and Representative Jim Cooper joined Senator Blackburn’s letter to President Donald J. Trump supporting a major disaster:

Dear Mr. President:

On behalf of the State of Tennessee, we are writing to express our support for Governor Bill Lee’s request to declare a major disaster pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief Act as a result of the intentional explosion in Nashville that occurred on Christmas Day.  

In the early morning of December 25, 2020, a vehicle was detonated in downtown Nashville, injuring at least three individuals and causing major damage to surrounding buildings, businesses, roads, utilities, and critical infrastructure. The explosion directly impacted AT&T’s communication systems across the State of Tennessee. The service disruption extends across the region into Kentucky and Alabama, impacting over 20 Public Safety Answering Points that serve as 911 Call Centers. Flights at Nashville International Airport have also been affected.  

The site of the explosion remains an active crime scene. The disaster is placing a significant financial burden on the state, local governments, and impacted individuals. Tennessee Emergency Management Agency officials have been working tirelessly to coordinate the state’s response to this disaster with Metro Nashville Police, the Tennessee Highway Patrol, the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. We are grateful for their efforts to respond to our communities’ needs. First responders and law enforcement officials have been working nonstop over the holiday on this investigation and we appreciate their bravery.  

Governor Lee’s request for Public Assistance categories A & B for Davidson County pursuant to the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief Act is attached, and we urge you to approve Governor Lee’s request on behalf of the State of Tennessee as soon as possible.  

Our offices can provide you with any additional information should you have any questions.  

The letter signed by Senators Blackburn and Alexander along with Representative Cooper can be found here.