Blackburn Discusses Court Packing on Fox News: Democrats Want to Make the Supreme Court a ‘Superlegislature’

October 12, 2020

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Tonight, Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, joined Fox News’s The Next Revolution with Steve Hilton to discuss the start of the hearings on the nomination of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

On Court Packing

“People do not want to see an expanded Supreme Court – and this is what court packing is: it is expanding the number of jurists, the number of justices, on the Supreme Court so you can get your way, so you can have an activist bench. It makes them like a ‘superlegislature’… [Democrats] are trying to change the meaning of court packing… What they are trying to do is fundamentally, structurally change the court so they can add liberal justices and use that as a superlegislature.”

On the Start of Hearings

“The Democrats are wanting us to not do our Constitutional duty. They’re wanting the President to not do his Constitutional duty… We are moving forward with the process as we are Constitutionally mandated to do.”

On Hybrid Hearings

“We have done 21 hybrid hearings at the Judiciary Committee… People can choose to attend in person or virtually… I plan to be in the room for the hearing.”

To watch the full segment, click below or here.