Senator Blackburn Releases Statement Following President Trump’s Decision to Re-Open the Government

January 25, 2019

Washington, D.C. – Today, Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) made a statement following President Trump’s announcement to re-open the closed portions of the government:

“President Trump has reached a compromise with Democratic and Republican leaders to reopen the federal government with a short term continuing resolution. While this action solves the immediate problem of funding the back pay of 800,000 federal workers, it does not address the urgent need to end the humanitarian crisis on our southern border. It does not end the illegal flow of drugs, gangs and human traffickers. Congress’ work on this issue is far from over. I will continue to support our border patrol and their three essential needs: a border barrier, additional technology and more officers and agents on the border. I also support ending the DACA program, chain migration and the visa lottery system.” – Senator Marsha Blackburn