Blackburn Statement On The Nomination Of Kevin Ritz To The Sixth Circuit

March 20, 2024

Below is a statement from U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, on the White House’s nomination of United States Attorney Kevin G. Ritz to be United States Circuit Judge for the Sixth Circuit:

“The consultation process between home-state senators and the White House on judicial nominees is critical to ensuring that a nominee is well-suited to serve on the federal bench. It is disappointing that the Biden administration has once again shown little regard for this longstanding, bipartisan tradition. Senator Hagerty and I were assured that there was no backroom deal in advance of the search, but the White House mysteriously abandoned their superficial deliberations with my office and today announced their nomination of Mr. Ritz to serve on the Sixth Circuit. Senator Hagerty and I attempted to work in good faith with the administration to identify highly qualified nominees to fill this vacancy, but unfortunately, the White House had other plans. I will not take part in this administration’s partisan crusade and will therefore oppose Mr. Ritz’s nomination.”