How Hamas Benefits From American Taxpayers

October 25, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Since taking office, President Biden has sent the U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) around $1 billion, despite knowing there would be a high risk of Hamas benefiting from American taxpayers. Yet, the United States is once again poised to enable terrorism against our greatest ally in the Middle East with up to $9 billion in alleged humanitarian aid.

UNRWA officials aren’t just complicit — they are active participants in Hamas’ terror, courtesy of the American taxpayer. There is incontrovertible proof that UNRWA officials have played a key role in breeding the next generation of Hamas extremists.

Senator Blackburn has introduced legislation to halt all funding for UNRWA. 


  • Just last week, Hamas terrorists in the Gaza Strip stole 24,000 liters of fuel and medical supplies meant for refugees — which the agency then immediately tried to cover up — as reported by The Times of Israel.
  • Israel Defense Forces discovered UNICEF first aid kits were used by Hamas jihadists during the October 7 terrorist attack.
  • In October 2009, The Jerusalem Post reported that Hamas raided 100 aid trucks that Israel had allowed into Gaza.


  • Following the October 7 terrorist attacks on Israel, UNRWA staff celebrated Hamas’ massacre social media and praised the murderers of babies as “martyrs of the Islamic and Arab nation, who were martyred in defending their homeland and nation...” — UNRWA Pediatrician Bashir Khamis Ghannam.
  • In 2017, UNRWA suspended Suhail al-Hindi — the chairman of the agency’s Palestinian workers’ union — after evidence came to light connecting him to Hamas’s political leadership.
  • In 2015, following a UN-led investigation, it was revealed that Palestinians stored rockets in UNRWA schools that were in active use by children, and Hamas and/or Islamic Jihad used these U.S.-funded facilities to launch rockets against Israel.


“We’re [the administration] not blind to the potential concerns here over diversion.” — NSC Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby when asked from the White House podium how the administration was going to convince Americans that aid for Gaza and the West Bank would not get into Hamas’ hands, October 23, 2023. 

“...they [the UN] are watching very closely, we are watching very closely to see any signs of diversion to Hamas. As the President has said publicly, if Hamas does divert any of that aid, it would jeopardize the delivery of future tranches of aid.” — U.S. State Department Spokesperson Matthew Miller during a department press briefing, October 23, 2023.

“If Hamas diverts or steals the assistance, it will have demonstrated once again that they have no concern for the welfare of the Palestinian people in the end.” — President Joe Biden during his remarks on the Hamas attacks in Israel, October 18, 2023.